Kite flying help
Kite flying safety

Kite flying: a simple activity that’s heaps of fun.
But there’s a few simple rules that will
keep it safe for both flyers and spectators.
Here is the most important one:-
Do not use near
overhead power lines
Mums & Dads, keep the kids safe while flying by having a read through our Kite flying help page here.
how to fly Single String kites

It’s usually as simple as “hold to the wind & let out string” But if you want more detailed instructions, follow the link below to our how-to-fly page. In it we explain:- – Where to fly
– How to put your kite together
– How to Launch and Retrieve your kite and
– How to look after it.
– Lastly, learn about the wind and how it works.
how to fly 2 line Sports kites

There’s a bit more to it then flying a one line kite, (that’s why they’re not for younger kids.)
We’ve got a few simple tricks and techniques we can show you to make you a better flyer.
We’ll also teach you:-
– how to set your kite up
– how to launch and land it and
– how to protect and care for it.
Advanced flying techniques are also here
so follow the link below to our
how-to-fly-a-sports-kite page.