make your own kite making kits for classrooms & workshops
kite making workshop kits for teachers and children
DIY Kite kits and kite flying
– great mediums for teaching across a wide range of subject areas –
– or, just for fun in the afternoon –

Easy to make
100% success rate
Great to paint and decorate
Excellent stimuli for learning
and heaps of fun to fly….

Kite making workshops in the classroom
We provide kite kits that include all of the components you need for a successful and rewarding kite making workshops.
Whether it be a Friday afternoon fill-in or an introduction to wind and currents or the science of flight
your pupils will love making these inexpensive kites as a learning medium.
Kit kites $6.00 ea
* Buy just the number you need (20 or over)
* Photographic teacher instructions included
* 785mm x 630mm – This is a BIG Kite!
* Easy to make, easy to fly, easy to teach
* All you need is paints or crayons and a stapler
* Caters for students from year 1 to year 10

“Our make-you-own kite kits provide teachers with all of the materials and supporting resources they need to enable very successful class workshops. So use these for kite making and kite flying activities as a medium for learning across all Key Learning Areas.”

DIY Kite making
A great introduction to many aspects of classroom curriculum:
– Wind and Weather
– Electricity and scientific experiment
(remember Benjamin Franklin?)
– Science of flight and Aerodynamics
– SOSE: Many cultures around the world still use kite making and flying as part of social customs
– History – Did you know that Lawrence Hargreaves, the man on our
$20 note invented the Box Kite and nearly beat the Wright Bros to powered flight?
– Art and Craft: “Kites are just a canvas in the sky”
– Sport and Recreation: just for the fun of flying…

Leading Edge Kites has been one of Australia’s premier kite manufacturers for over 20 years.
We offer you an unrivalled level of support and expertise to ensure your kitemaking is a complete success.
“30 years experience as a Queensland teacher has given me an intimate understanding of the processes of
learning and the knowledge of how to successfully intergrate ‘Kites in the classroom’ to maximise successful learning outcomes with our DIY kite making kits(and have heaps of fun doing it!)”
Please Note:
Free freight, available elsewhere on our site, does not apply to kit kits. This way we can keep the per unit price low and calculate freight based on actual freight cost.
Order any number over 20
* from 20 to 49 – $6.00 each plus $13.50 freight *
*between 50 to 99 – $6.00 ea. plus $18.95 freight *
*100 or more – $6.00 ea. and freight free *
3 easy ways to order
order form
email or fax us your official school/institution order form and we’ll send an account with your kites
order now and pay right here online. a few clicks and it’s all done
phone us
Call us anytime and we can answer your questions, make some suggestions and take or confirm your order on the phone